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  • ​​​​​Peifang Wang, Olga Golovneva, Armen Aghajanyan, Xiang Ren, Muhao Chen, Asli Celikyilmaz, Maryam Fazel-Zarandi (2023). “DOMINO: A Dual-System for Multi-step Visual Language Reasoning”. (pdf)​


  • Lili Yu, Bowen Shi, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Benjamin Muller, Olga Golovneva, Tianlu Wang, Arun Babu, Binh Tang, Brian Karrer, Shelly Sheynin, Candace Ross, Adam Polyak, Russell Howes, Vasu Sharma, Puxin Xu, Hovhannes Tamoyan, Oron Ashual, Uriel Singer, Shang-Wen Li, Susan Zhang, Richard James, Gargi Ghosh, Yaniv Taigman, Maryam Fazel-Zarandi, Asli Celikyilmaz, Luke Zettlemoyer, Armen Aghajanyan (2023). “Scaling autoregressive multi-modal models: Pretraining and instruction tuning.” (pdf)


  • Tu Anh Nguyen, Wei-Ning Hsu, Antony d'Avirro, Bowen Shi, Itai Gat, Maryam Fazel-Zarandi, Tal Remez, Jade Copet, Gabriel Synnaeve, Michael Hassid, Felix Kreuk, Yossi Adi, Emmanuel Dupoux (2023). “Expresso: A benchmark and analysis of discrete expressive speech resynthesis,” INTERSPEECH 2023. (pdf)


  • Tianlu Wang, Ping Yu, Xiaoqing Ellen Tan, Sean O'Brien, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Jane Dwivedi-Yu, Olga Golovneva, Luke Zettlemoyer, Maryam Fazel-Zarandi, Asli Celikyilmaz (2023). “Shepherd: A critic for language model generation” (pdf)


  • Pratap, V.; Tjandra, A.; Shi, B.; Tomasello, P.; Babu, A.; Kundu, S.; Elkahky, A.; Ni, Z.; Vyas, A.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Baevski, A.; Adi, Y.; Zhang, X.; Hsu, W-H.; Conneau, A.; Auli, M. (2023). “Scaling Speech Technology to 1,000+ Languages”. (pdf)​


  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Hsu, W-N. (2023). "Cocktail HuBERT: Generalized Self-Supervised Pre-training for Mixture and Single-Source Speech," ICASSP 2023. (pdf)​


  • Lin, Z.; Akin, H.; Rao, R.; Hie, B.; Zhu, Z.; Lu, L.; Smetanin, N.; Verkuil, R.; Kabeli, O.; Shmueli, Y.; dos Santos Costa, A.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Sercu, T.; Candido, S.; Rives, A. (2023). "Evolutionary-scale prediction of atomic level protein structure with a language model", Science 379 (6637), 1123-1130 (pdf)​

  • Golovneva, O.; Chen, M.; Poff, S.; Corredor, M.; Zettlemoyer, L.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Celikyilmaz, A.; (2022). "ROSCOE: A Suite of Metrics for Scoring Step-by-Step Reasoning," ICLR. (pdf)

  • Tuan, Y.L.; Beygi, S.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Gao, Q.; Cervone, A.; Wang, W.Y. (2022). "Towards Large-Scale Interpretable Knowledge Graph Reasoning for Dialogue Systems," Findings of ACL. (pdf)

  • Beygi, S; Fazel-Zarandi, M; Cervone, A.; Krishnan, P.; Jonnalagadda, S. R. (2022). "Logical Reasoning for Task Oriented Dialogue Systems," The 5th Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP at ACL (ECNLP 2022). (pdf)​

  • Acharya, A; Adhikari, S.; Agarwal, S.; Auvray, V.; Belgamwar, N.; Biswas, A.; Chandra, S.; Chung, T.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Gabriel, R.; Gao, S.; Goel, R.; Hakkani-Tur, D.; Jezabek, J.; Jha, A.; Kao, J-Y.; Krishnan, P.; Ku, P.; Goyal, A.; Lin, C-W; Liu, Q.; Mandal, A.; Metallinou, A.; Naik, V.; Pan, Y.; Paul, S.; Perera, V.; Sethi, A.; Shen, M.; Strom, N.; Wang, E. (2021). "Alexa Conversations: An Extensible Data-driven Approach for BuildingTask-oriented Dialogue Systems," in Proceedings of NAACL-HLT. (pdf)

  • Lin, C-W; Auvray, V.; Elkind, D.; Biswas, A.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Belgamwar, N.; Chandra, S.; Zhao, M.; Metallinou, A.; Chung, T.; Zhu, C. S.; Adhikari, S.; Hakkani-Tur, D. (2020). "Dialog Simulation with Realistic Variations for Training Goal-Oriented Conversational Systems," Human in the Loop Dialogue Systems Workshop, NeurIPS. (pdf)

  • Wang, L.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Tiwari, A.; Matsoukas, S. Polymenakos, L. (2020). "Data Augmentation for Training Dialog Models Robust to Speech Recognition Errors," 2nd Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI, ACL. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Wang, L.; Tiwari, A.; Matsoukas, S. (2019). "Investigation of Error Simulation Techniques for Learning Dialog Policies for Conversational Error Recovery," 3rd Workshop on Conversational AI Today’s Practice Tomorrow’s Potential, NeurIPS. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Biswas, S.; Summers, R.; Elmalt, A.; McCraw, A.; McPhilips, M.; Peach, J. (2019). "Towards Personalized Dialog Policies for Conversational Skill Discovery," 3rd Workshop on Conversational AI Today’s Practice Tomorrow’s Potential, NeurIPS. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Li, S.W.; Cao, J.; Henderson, P.; Casale, J; Whitney, D.; Geramifard, A. (2018), "Learning Robust Dialog Policies for Conversational Error Recovery," Amazon Machine Learning Conference (AMLC). (oral - 4% acceptance rate) 

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Li, S.W.; Cao, J.; Henderson, P.; Casale, J; Whitney, D.; Geramifard, A. (2017). "Learning Robust Dialog Policies in Noisy Environments”, Workshop on Conversational AI Today’s Practice Tomorrow’s Potential, NIPS. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Fox, M.S. (2013). "Inferring and Validating Skills and Competencies over Time," Journal of Applied Ontologies. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Fox, M.S. (2013). "Identifying Unreliable Sources of Skill and Competency Information," Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Business Applications of Social Network Analysis (BASNA 2013), Niagara Falls, Canada. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Fox, M.S. (2012). "An Ontology for Skill and Competency Management," in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2012), Graz, Austria. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Fox, M.S.; Yu, E. (2012) "Ontologies in Expertise Finding Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Design," in Ontology-Based Applications for Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management, IGI Publishing.

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Devlin, H.J.; Huang, Y.; Contractor, N. (2011). "Expert Recommendation based on Social Drivers, Social Network Analysis, and Semantic Data Representation," in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Information Heterogeneity and Fusion in Recommender Systems (HetRec 2011), ACM, Chicago, USA. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Fox, M.S. (2011). "Constructing Expert Profiles over Time for Skills Management and Expert Finding," in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (i-KNOW 2011), ACM, Graz, Austria.

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Fox, M.S. (2010). "Reasoning about Skills and Competencies," in Proceedings of the 11th IFIP Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2010), Saint-Etienne, France.

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Fox, M.S. (2009). "Semantic Matchmaking for Job Recruitment: An Ontology-Based Hybrid Approach," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Service Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval in the Semantic Web at the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010), Washington D.C., USA. (pdf)

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Yu, E. (2008). "Ontology-Based Expertise Finding," in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Yokohama, Japan.

  • Momtazi, S.; Sameti, H.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Bahrani, M. (2007). "Robust Parsing for Word Lattices in Continuous Speech Recognition Systems," in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA'2007), Sharjeh, United Arab Emirates (UAE). 

Extended Abstracts and Technical Reports

  • Huang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Devlin, H.; Lungeanu, A.; Wasserman, S.; Contractor, N. (2012). "Comparing Efficacy of Link Prediction Models for Expert Recommender Systems." 17th International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Sunbelt XXXII), Redondo Beach, CA, USA.

  • Huang, M.; Huang, Y.; Devlin, H.; Fazel-Zarandi, M.; Liu, J.; Contractor, N. (2011). "Understand and Guide Scientific Research Team Assembly Through Social Network Analysis: Mapping, Recommender System, and Optimization." 16th International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Sunbelt XXXI), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M. (2009). "Customer Modeling using Preferences and Social Networks: Literature Review and Future Direction," Qualifying Exam Report, University of Toronto.


  • Fazel-Zarandi, M. (2013). "Representing and Reasoning about Skills and Competencies over Time," Ph.D. Thesis, Departement of Computer Science, University of Toronto.

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M. (2007). "A Retail Ontology: Formal Semantics and Efficient Implementation," MSc. Thesis, Departement of Computer Science, University of Toronto.

  • Fazel-Zarandi, M., Momtazi, S. (2005) "Robust Parsing for Word Lattices in Continuous Speech Recognition Systems," BASc. Thesis, Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology.

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